Recent Advancements In Dental Implant Technology

Recent Advancements In Dental Implant Technology

If you have a missing tooth, there are many ways for a tooth replacement. Dental implants are considered the most popular and effective dental prosthesis options. Dental implants are a significant advancement in dental technology, but not for everyone, as even the most advanced procedures can be restrictive or invasive. To have a successful treatment, you should always find dental implant specialists who intend to provide all patients with new dental implant technology changes in an entirely specialized way. A group of specialists who perform full-service dental implants in North York has published a recent study that shows dental implants are the safest way to replace your missing teeth.

Dental Implants Are The Most Significant Dental Inventions

Although conventional dental implants are among the most significant dental inventions in recent years, they may not be ideal for some volunteers.

The Complications Of Being Toothless

Some people cannot wait almost a year to have their teeth replaced. They may also feel scared and anxious. Although topical anesthesia is used to prevent pain, patients often face complications until the dental implant heals completely. These factors may change a patient’s opinion about replacing their lost teeth. However, did you know how harmful can your missing teeth be?

Advances In Dental Implants

Fortunately, dental implants’ improvement, as one of the most beneficial cosmetic dentistry treatments, has been among the best happenings in the field of dentistry. Dentists are turning this process into a science! Patients no longer have to wait several months in a row to have their missing tooth replaced. Dental implants, posts, and veneers can now be adjusted in only one visit. With an immediate dental implant placement, you no longer have to live with gaps after a tooth loss. While waiting for the healing process, you should receive a temporary dental veneer. As dental implants’ success rate increases, more patients want to get useful information about it.

Dental Implants Placement Using ICAT Device

Using the ICAT device, the dentist gets prepared for implant surgery through 3D imaging. Dentists plan a one-day procedure by virtualizing your mouth, by which the treatment no longer requires cutting the gums to find the bone. That means the patient’s pain and recovery time will reduce, and there is no need for continuous visits to complete the treatment!

Artificial Teeth Crowns Are Made In A Laboratory  

During the dental implant treatment, your artificial teeth are made in the laboratory and prepared in time for dental surgery. Although the dental implant needs to be repaired, it attaches to the dental veneers to have a natural, better look.

Minor Dental Implants

Minor Dental Implants

Minor implants are a new method in dental implant technology. A series of mini-implants are inserted into the gums. Mini-dental implants’ posts are used to anchor the device in place. Mini implants mean less pain and less healing time and are usually less expensive than traditional dental implants. These cutting-edge implants also do not require waiting for the healing stage and immediately replace your natural teeth.

With a mini-implant, patients do not need to change their prostheses. Existing prostheses can be used to attach to posts so that patients can return home with a complete set of teeth immediately after surgery.

Examine Your Treatment Options

If you have the time and patience, traditional dental implants may be right for you. If you do not have the time and patience to receive a dental implant, discuss your dentist’s options. You can have a beautiful and permanent smile for a lifetime with one of the most creative modern dental methods.
